Erlend Kjørsvik


Trained Arctic nature guide in Longyearbyen, and holds certification from Avalanche Safety Terrain 2 from Canada, in addition to Ski&Skred from Alta. For Erlend, no mountainside is too steep, but he loves when he can cruise in “Svalbard powder” at 25-30°. Erlend has worked in Svalbard for 6 years, and he knows many hidden treasures for free riders.

Arctic nature guide
Language: Norwegian, English


Christoph Hofer

Top tour and expedition guide

Christoph comes from the mountains of Austria, where the smell of adventure meets snow-capped peaks. This is where his passion for skiing and mountain climbing started. Christoph is a very experienced guide and can take you safely to all the peaks in Svalbard.

Languages: English, German, Austrian

Niall Finch

TOP TOUR guide

Niall comes from Ireland, and brings a positive and enthusiastic mindset to Svalbard. He is a trained Arctic nature guide and he loves to explore our wonderful Backyard. Before coming to Svalbard, he had great experiences from British Columbia in Canada and from New Zealand, where he lived for a while.

Arctic nature guide

Language: English

Sigurd Vangberg Vaadal

Top tour and expedition guide

Sigurd is a joy to travel with. He is a trained Arctic nature guide in Longyearbyen and he follows his heart and works with what he loves; namely to work outdoors. He says that “Life is best with the legs forward down a steep chute!”

Arctic nature guide

Language: Norwegian, English

Jon Hørsdal Buckner

Expedition guide

With many years of experience from Svalbard, Jon Hørsdal Buckner joins our expedition team as a guide. Jon has very good references from the expedition line at Svalbard Folkehøgskole and from the study Arctic Nature Guide in Longyearbyen. Jon is a cheerful and confident Norwegian, and you should look forward to going on a trip with him!

Arctic Nature Guide

Language: Norwegian and English

Michel Afflerbach

Top tour and expedition guide

Michel can be defined as whole wood. He loves working as a guide, through conveying his love for nature to his guests. He is a trained Arctic nature guide and fell in love with Svalbard and the nature here. His knowledge of avalanches and expeditions means that he can guide you around ski tours throughout Svalbard. Michel is also a good photographer, so he has a good eye for where it is nice to take a break and tell stories.

Arctic nature guide

Language: English, German, Norwegian

Jonas Haass

Top tour and expedition guide

onas is a seasonal guide who loves to spend his winters in Svalbard. He is a trained Arctic nature guide, and has a lot of experience from both Svalbard and the Alps. In addition to being a keen ski guide, Jonas is a good photographer. You may well get some good pictures of him if you ask.

Arctic nature guide


Language: English, German.

Elida Langstein

Arctic Nature Guide

First female expedition guide in our team. She is a real adventurer with a past from Canada as a trapper. She is a trained Arctic nature guide and has lived on Svalbard for 5 years. Here she has a lot of experience from winter camping and long expeditions. Now she lives on the mainland, and combines her study life with long expeditions.

Language: Norwegian, English

Alexander Veie Fiskum

Back office and consultancy.

Alex is full of adventure, and in 2021 made his first Svalbard cruise. In 2022, he took part in the crossing of Oscar II land. In 2024, he took part in the ascent of the highest peak on Svalbard, Newtontoppen…

Chairman of the board

Language: Norwegian, English